Top 3 Android Based Operating systems for PCs

Android is the most popular operating system for smartphones. But did you know that you can run them on your computer without any emulator.

Well here's a list of the Top 4 Android-based OS for your PC. The names and images mentioned here may do not belong to me. Also the list is not in any particular order. So be sure to select the one that is best for you.

Best Android Based Operating systems

No 1 - Prime OS

PrimeOS is a Android Based Operating system made in India. This OS is primarily focused on gaming but that doesn't mean you can't use it for another purposes.

The Prime Os is equipped with a key mapping tool for keyboard and mouse. Due to this key-mapper, users can now have a better experience playing the android game on any computer better than an emulator.

The UI is very easy to use and is very much like Windows or Linux.

No 2 - Bliss OS

Bliss OS is not that game focused but it is more productivity focused. Bliss OS can be a chrome is replacement. It can run ARM Android Apps by virtualization.

This might be the one for you if you don't want to do gaming.

No 3 - Phoenix OS

Phoenix os is a Chinese Android Operating system that is also focused on gaming. You'll get a easy to use UI with millions of Android apps to use as they say.

Phoenix OS is powered by Android 7 announced in 2017.

No 4 - Stock Android or other Roms

You can run the stock Android if you don't want gaming but just want to run some apps in the same way as in your phone.

All other OS in this list can run apps in window modes. You can use the the stock version if you are on a touch screen laptop. 

If you are using mouse and keyboard it might be hard to use this.


The Best of these, if you ask me is phoenix os. It's better in quality and usage than others.

Anyway, which one will you choose? Tell me in the comments below!